Stradivarius 1715
The customer is from
USA NY (NY, United States), ordered in 2003 (
4A Chinese tonewoods, traditional light color varnish.
Del Gesu Kochanski 1741
No.526, was made for customer from
Italy remona City (Cremona City, Italy) in 2017.
4A Bodnian tonewoods, light color antique finish.
Stradivarius 1715
No.314 was made for customer from
France Paris (Paris , France) in 2008.
4A Chinese tonewoods, light color antique finish.
Stradivarius 1715
No.293 violin was made for customer from
China Xian Yang(Xian Yang, China)in 2007, 4A Chinese tonewoods, dark color antique finish.
Lord Wilton Guarneri Del Gesu 1742
The customer from
United Kingdom Birmingham(Birmingham, United Kingdom)ordered in 2018 this
No.545 violin, 4A Bosnian tonewoods, light color antique finish.
Vieuxtemps' Guarneri Del Gesu 1741
The luthier customer from
Italy Cagliari (Cagliari, Italy) ordered in 2021 this
No.578 violin in the white, the customer provided this model's drawings and whole set 4A Bosnian tonewoods.
Stradivarius 1715
No.384 violin was made for the customer from
China Taiwan(Taiwan, China) in 2012, 4A Bosnian tonewoods, light color antique finish.
Stradivarius 1715
This is in 2010 made for
Austria Wels(Wels, Austria)customer,
No.348 violin, 4A European tonewoods (not Bosnian), dark color traditional varnish.